Don't get lost in writing and translation
GMC precision
Your writing and translation assistant
Increase your productivity and realize your projects saving time
Our Services

Get your technical texts translated from German, French, and English into Italian without losing time, and preserving the original text format and structure.

Writing for clinical reasearch
Get your protocol, patients information, website and all clinical research related documents written, edited, and submitted without losing value and time.

General writing services
Get your research documents written or edited without losing value and time: GMC precision supports you from the grant application to the publication.
My wish is to help clinicians, scientists, researchers and any interested person achieve their research goals saving time. GMC precision offers expert assistance by the development of all kinds of scientific texts and with technical translations into Italian.

Dr. Grazia M. Cereghetti
Founder of GMC precision
Our long-standing experience in the research domain will help you achieve your research goals skipping the boring steps. Go directly to your project submission: be faster and stand out.
Thanks to our long-standing experience in the fields of science and writing, your knowledge will be preserved, and you will read exactly what you wanted to write.

If you want to know more for a specific project or in general, we’re here to answer any questions.